
History of HSAIG

HSAIG arose from discussions among anthropologists interested in research, teaching, and policy relating to human sexuality—especially in topics or issues that cut across existing disciplinary or specialist boundaries within the AAA. Particular early interests included education and policy advocacy based on holistic, anthropological perspectives on human sexuality, and in such topics as sex work/sex workers/commercial sex, transgender phenomena, and HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

Anne Bolin and Gilbert Herdt convened the first official session of the Interest Group at the AAA annual meeting in San Jose, CA, in 2006. The conference’s theme “Critical Intersections/Dangerous Issues” seemed apropos for an interest group that so clearly cut across existing sections in provocative ways.

Initially HSAIG was coordinated with the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC) at San Francisco State University, with the help of Gilbert Herdt. As the NSRC evolved and eventually merged into CRGS, the HSAIG became more independent of NSRC.

In November 2009, Hülya Demirdirek created the website, blog, & discussion group at http://hsaig-aaa.ning.com. The website was transferred to its new home at hsaig.org in October 2024 by Will Robertson.

In 2024, we are beginning a campaign to reinvigorate HSAIG and reach out to the AAA members who have indicated an interest in sexuality research, teaching, and policy. If you are interested in participating, please join our listserv and keep checking the news on the HSAIG website.

Conveners of HSAIG

2006-2009 Anne Bolin, Elon University
Gil Herdt, San Francisco State University

2009-2011 Hülya Demirdirek, University of Victoria

2010 Timothy McCajor Hall, UCLA ((Acting
convener at AAA)

2011-2012 Susan Dewey, University of Wyoming
Timothy McCajor Hall, UCLA

2013-2023 Timothy McCajor Hall, UCLA

2024- Will Robertson, University of Memphis